Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Daily Vitamin

Trust, Jn5:30-31"I can't do a solitary thing on my own: I listen, then I decide. You can trust my decision because I'm not out to get my own way but to carry out orders. If I were simply speaking on my own account, it would be an empty, self-serving witness" We have all been given orders, the question is do we trust Him who gave them?

A lot of the time we look at the Bible as a book of don'ts, its really a book of get too's!
we all are trained by the world to not let someone tell us what to do. but we always are looking for someone to give us directions. so we don't have to be responcable for our own actions. God tells us to love one another, share his love with those who don't know Him. To be kind, think of others before ourselves. Be a giver not a taker in the kingdom of God things are so much more laid back. It's not dod eat dog! so why would we reject Him who gives life. these are just my random thoughts today

 Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory

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