Hebrews 13:2(TMSG)
2Be ready with a meal or a bed when it’s needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!
How awesome would it be to have an angel show up at your door. I remember a time when someone probably thought my friend Bobby and I were angels. we were in Oklahoma City after a tornado had tore up a part of the town. Before we left to take supplies to those in need another friend gave us an envelope and told us they thought it was for a women. We assumed it had cash in it but really didn't know. we were there for several days asking God is the person or is that the person? never got a clear answer. On our last day we were heading back to Texas, still not know what to do with the envelope. We stopped at a neighborhood to walk through and see if we see who it was for. At the entrance the of the neighborhood was soldiers not let anyone in unless you had lived there. We explained to the guard what we wanted to do and he said sure go on in. As we walked around in our minds knowing this was our last chance to deliver the envelope. we saw lots of people digging through the remains of their homes. Then on the edge of the area was a house that wasn't totally destroyed. a lady was talking to some men who were working on her home. we both knew she was the one we were to give the envelope too. We walked up to the house and had to Knock on the door, the lady had went back in. when she came to the door she looked at us surprised! then we handed her the envelope telling her we felt God told us to give it to her. We turned around and walked off, with her telling us thank you. Then we could her saying thank you Jesus. we left that day feeling that we had probably been a God send to her in a time of need. She might even tell people that two angel came to her door and gave her the money she needed to do repairs on her house. I felt lead to share that story today. As we go through our daily routine how many times do we run into people or maybe even angels that God has sent our way, and we just brush it off until later we think hmmm... who was that, or what was that for? Sometime just being hospitable to a someone might be an answer to prayer or God seeing what you would do. Today ask God to send people your way that you can maybe be their angel today. he might even send you an Angel with skin on! Look for opportunities to be a blessing today, in doing that maybe just maybe you can be an angel with skin on today to someone in need. Be a blessing Sir Gregory
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