Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Daily Vitamin - "Well Done"

Well Done

Matthew 25:23(NKJV)
23His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

How many of us yearn to hear those words. In our every day lives we want others to tell us that were doing a grand job, but do we do all that we should do to get them. Doing the right thing seems that its not the easiest thing to do. We don't want to look bad to others so we tell what we call little white lies, or we cheat on taxes thinking nobody will ever know or check. Sometimes we stretch out our stories to make us look better in other peoples eyes. knowing all along its not true. In the long run of life it is always better to be honest, caring, own up to our mistakes, to do the right thing even when it seems hard. Doing all that we know to do that is right then watch God do the rest. Once we have done the right thing and practice that always then God will really show up and knock our socks off. Like when the person at the store drops money and you tell them instead of putting it in your pocket, or when the cashier gives you to much change back.We are quick to point out when we are done wrong but do we do whats right when it comes to others.You can rest assured you can and will hear those words. By doing whats right all the time, not just when others are watching. Do the unexpected to others today ensuring that you will hear the words "Well Done"  In doing things the right way you can enter int the Lords Joy. Be a blessing today Sir Gregory     

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