Galatians 5:13(NASB)
13For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
Galatians 5:13(TMSG)
13It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you don’t use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; that’s how freedom grows.
Sometimes we take our freedom for granted, not realizing it cost. A lot of times we want to complain about the way things are but we sit back and don't do anything about it. Our spiritual freedom from sin and death cost our Lord and Saviour, His life here on this earth. Our physical freedom cost men and women their lives on a daily basis. As we prepare for the holiday season I would like for us all to remember why we have the freedom's we have. We celebrate Thanksgiving in a few days, what are you truly thankful for, food on the table, a job, a home, family, church? The list could go on and on. I believe we should really take the time and be thankful for our freedom, there is a war not only in the physical world but also in our spiritual world. in that world we don't wrestle with flesh and blood but of unseen forces. Jesus paid the price for us to walk in freedom let us guard that freedom and not take it for granted, or use it to do wrong. In the busyness of the holiday season take some time and reflect on your freedom, then go serve someone with love and be a blessing, Sir Gregory
My thoughts and prayers for each day, hopefully someone can catch them and have a better day
Monday, November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Conscience"
1 Timothy 1:18-19(NLT)
18Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.
19Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.
1 Timothy 1:18-19(NKJV)
18This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare,
19having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck,
The easiest way to keep from being shipwrecking our faith is to never let go of His (Christ) hem! we are in a war for our souls. A person never starts out wanting to fail. It's a slow process for most, some it's quicker, just like a person never plans on becoming an addict it happens over a period of time. It becomes a learned habit which then becomes some thing out of control. We need to hold on tight to Christ never let go, when life throws a curve ball, run to God and others that have helped you along in this war. Remember the things God has spoken about you, and hold fast the the encouraging words others have spoken. Learn to walk with Holy Spirit every moment of the day. We are supernatural beings in a natural body, our core is spirit not flesh and that is were our major battle is it's within. So hold fast to your Faith and realize that your conscience is the Holy Spirit talking to you. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Below is a blog from John Eldridge, feel it fits with today's Vitamin
(The Sacred Romance , 79, 80)
1 Timothy 1:18-19(NLT)
18Timothy, my son, here are my instructions for you, based on the prophetic words spoken about you earlier. May they help you fight well in the Lord’s battles.
19Cling to your faith in Christ, and keep your conscience clear. For some people have deliberately violated their consciences; as a result, their faith has been shipwrecked.
1 Timothy 1:18-19(NKJV)
18This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare,
19having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck,
The easiest way to keep from being shipwrecking our faith is to never let go of His (Christ) hem! we are in a war for our souls. A person never starts out wanting to fail. It's a slow process for most, some it's quicker, just like a person never plans on becoming an addict it happens over a period of time. It becomes a learned habit which then becomes some thing out of control. We need to hold on tight to Christ never let go, when life throws a curve ball, run to God and others that have helped you along in this war. Remember the things God has spoken about you, and hold fast the the encouraging words others have spoken. Learn to walk with Holy Spirit every moment of the day. We are supernatural beings in a natural body, our core is spirit not flesh and that is were our major battle is it's within. So hold fast to your Faith and realize that your conscience is the Holy Spirit talking to you. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Below is a blog from John Eldridge, feel it fits with today's Vitamin
The Burial Of Our Shimmering Self
We come into the world with a longing to be known and a deep-seated fear that we aren't what we should be. We are set up for a crisis of identity. And then, says Frederick Buechner, the world goes to work:
Starting with the rather too pretty young woman and the charming but rather unstable young man, who together know no more about being parents than they do the far side of the moon, the world sets in to making us what the world would like us to be, and because we have to survive after all, we try to make ourselves into something that we hope the world will like better than it apparently did the selves we originally were. That is the story of all our lives, needless to say, and in the process of living out that story, the original, shimmering self gets buried so deep that most of us hardly end up living out of it at all. Instead, we live out all the other selves which we are constantly putting on and taking off like coats and hats against the world's weather. (Telling Secrets) Think about the part you find yourself playing, the self you put on like a costume. Who cast you in this role? Most of us are living out a script that someone else has written for us. We've not been invited to live from our heart, to be who we truly are, so we put on these false selves hoping to offer something more acceptable to the world, something functional. We learn our roles starting very young and we learn them well.
Starting with the rather too pretty young woman and the charming but rather unstable young man, who together know no more about being parents than they do the far side of the moon, the world sets in to making us what the world would like us to be, and because we have to survive after all, we try to make ourselves into something that we hope the world will like better than it apparently did the selves we originally were. That is the story of all our lives, needless to say, and in the process of living out that story, the original, shimmering self gets buried so deep that most of us hardly end up living out of it at all. Instead, we live out all the other selves which we are constantly putting on and taking off like coats and hats against the world's weather. (Telling Secrets) Think about the part you find yourself playing, the self you put on like a costume. Who cast you in this role? Most of us are living out a script that someone else has written for us. We've not been invited to live from our heart, to be who we truly are, so we put on these false selves hoping to offer something more acceptable to the world, something functional. We learn our roles starting very young and we learn them well.
(The Sacred Romance , 79, 80)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Ignorance"
Acts 17:30(NKJV)
30Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
Acts 17:30(TMSG)
30“God overlooks it as long as you don’t know any better—but that time is past. The unknown is now known, and he’s calling for a radical life-change.
How many times do we hear or say I didn't know that? I've even heard statements like ignorance is bliss. Like it's okay to do wrong just because we might not know the truth of a matter. God does give us a lot of grace and mercy in knowing His ways, but there does come a time in our walk with Him that we can't just say I didn't know or I was ignorant to the fact. We can't tell the police that that we didn't know , they have a guideline or statement that says "Ignorance to the matter is no excuse" We should apply that to our Spiritual life and find out what truly is okay and if we are doing stuff that God doesn't like or wants us doing. Then repent from them and do whats right. Repent doesn't just mean your sorry that you got caught. It means turning from whatever it is and walking the other way, and every time it tries to tempt you turn and walk the other way. Jesus went away and sent the Holy spirit to to help us, God also had a manuscript written for us to have a guide to right living. That manual doesn't need updates or amendments to it. It's everlasting and will show us the way to go. Thank God for His Mercy and Grace to overlook a lot of junk that has been in your life, but it's time for us to be ignorant no more! We have a job to do and that's to change the world, lets be about our Fathers business, we can do it. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Acts 17:30(NKJV)
30Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,
Acts 17:30(TMSG)
30“God overlooks it as long as you don’t know any better—but that time is past. The unknown is now known, and he’s calling for a radical life-change.
How many times do we hear or say I didn't know that? I've even heard statements like ignorance is bliss. Like it's okay to do wrong just because we might not know the truth of a matter. God does give us a lot of grace and mercy in knowing His ways, but there does come a time in our walk with Him that we can't just say I didn't know or I was ignorant to the fact. We can't tell the police that that we didn't know , they have a guideline or statement that says "Ignorance to the matter is no excuse" We should apply that to our Spiritual life and find out what truly is okay and if we are doing stuff that God doesn't like or wants us doing. Then repent from them and do whats right. Repent doesn't just mean your sorry that you got caught. It means turning from whatever it is and walking the other way, and every time it tries to tempt you turn and walk the other way. Jesus went away and sent the Holy spirit to to help us, God also had a manuscript written for us to have a guide to right living. That manual doesn't need updates or amendments to it. It's everlasting and will show us the way to go. Thank God for His Mercy and Grace to overlook a lot of junk that has been in your life, but it's time for us to be ignorant no more! We have a job to do and that's to change the world, lets be about our Fathers business, we can do it. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Friday, November 18, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Mirror"
James 1:22-25(CEV)
22Obey God’s message! Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it.
23If you hear the message and don’t obey it, you are like people who stare at themselves in a mirror
24and forget what they look like as soon as they leave.
25But you must never stop looking at the perfect law that sets you free. God will bless you in everything you do, if you listen and obey, and don’t just hear and forget.
Do we know people like this or are we like this? Forgotten who we really are? Kings Kids! We were created to rule and reign on the earth to have dominion, but somewhere along the way we have been tricked into thinking we are something less. It all started in the Garden, we were tricked into thinking we were something less that we were. We never really lost who we were we just forgot. I believe it is part of our mission (Susan & I) in this era of time to help other regain who they are to quit believing the lie that they, YOU! are something less than you are. Jesus came paid the price for us to be fully restored into the place God had set up for us in the beginning. God told Adam (man & woman) to subdue the earth and to multiple on it. well they did half of it the multiplied but forgot to subdue it or to take dominion of it. We have been given the authority and privilege to be rulers not only of our selves but of this planet. It's time to stand up and be recognized as the Son's of God that all of creation has been anxiously waiting for us to be. Today look in the Mirror of God, His Word the Bible and remember who you are. We Can Do It! We can change the world! Go be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Ps. I read this blog from John Eldredge that fits so well it was taken from his book "The Sacred Romance"
Could it be that we, all of us, the homecoming queens and quarterbacks and the passed over and picked on, really possess hidden greatness? Is there something in us worth fighting over? The fact that we don't see our own glory is part of the tragedy of the Fall; a sort of spiritual amnesia has taken all of us. Our souls were made to live in the Larger Story, but as Chesterton discovered, we have forgotten our part:
We have all read in scientific books, and indeed, in all romances, the story of the man who has forgotten his name. This man walks about the streets and can see and appreciate everything; only he cannot remember who he is. Well, every man is that man in the story. Every man has forgotten who he is. . . . We are all under the same mental calamity; we have all forgotten our names. We have all forgotten what we really are. (Orthodoxy)
James 1:22-25(CEV)
22Obey God’s message! Don’t fool yourselves by just listening to it.
23If you hear the message and don’t obey it, you are like people who stare at themselves in a mirror
24and forget what they look like as soon as they leave.
25But you must never stop looking at the perfect law that sets you free. God will bless you in everything you do, if you listen and obey, and don’t just hear and forget.
Do we know people like this or are we like this? Forgotten who we really are? Kings Kids! We were created to rule and reign on the earth to have dominion, but somewhere along the way we have been tricked into thinking we are something less. It all started in the Garden, we were tricked into thinking we were something less that we were. We never really lost who we were we just forgot. I believe it is part of our mission (Susan & I) in this era of time to help other regain who they are to quit believing the lie that they, YOU! are something less than you are. Jesus came paid the price for us to be fully restored into the place God had set up for us in the beginning. God told Adam (man & woman) to subdue the earth and to multiple on it. well they did half of it the multiplied but forgot to subdue it or to take dominion of it. We have been given the authority and privilege to be rulers not only of our selves but of this planet. It's time to stand up and be recognized as the Son's of God that all of creation has been anxiously waiting for us to be. Today look in the Mirror of God, His Word the Bible and remember who you are. We Can Do It! We can change the world! Go be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Ps. I read this blog from John Eldredge that fits so well it was taken from his book "The Sacred Romance"
We Have All Forgotten What We Really Are
We are not what we were meant to be, and we know it. If, when passing a stranger on the street, we happen to meet eyes, we quickly avert our glance. Cramped into the awkward community of an elevator, we search for something, anything to look at instead of each other. We fear to be seen. But think for a moment about the millions of tourists who visit ancient sites like the Parthenon, the Colosseum, and the Pyramids. Though ravaged by time, the elements, and vandals through the ages, mere shadows of their former glory, these ruins still awe and inspire. Though fallen, their glory cannot be fully extinguished. There is something at once sad and grand about them. And such we are. Abused, neglected, vandalized, fallen-we are still fearful and wonderful. We are, as one theologian put it, "glorious ruins." But unlike those grand monuments, we who are Christ's have been redeemed and are being renewed as Paul said, "day by day," restored in the love of God.Could it be that we, all of us, the homecoming queens and quarterbacks and the passed over and picked on, really possess hidden greatness? Is there something in us worth fighting over? The fact that we don't see our own glory is part of the tragedy of the Fall; a sort of spiritual amnesia has taken all of us. Our souls were made to live in the Larger Story, but as Chesterton discovered, we have forgotten our part:
We have all read in scientific books, and indeed, in all romances, the story of the man who has forgotten his name. This man walks about the streets and can see and appreciate everything; only he cannot remember who he is. Well, every man is that man in the story. Every man has forgotten who he is. . . . We are all under the same mental calamity; we have all forgotten our names. We have all forgotten what we really are. (Orthodoxy)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Him"
Romans 15:17-21(TMSG)
17Looking back over what has been accomplished and what I have observed, I must say I am most pleased—in the context of Jesus, I’d even say proud, but only in that context.
18I have no interest in giving you a chatty account of my adventures, only the wondrously powerful and transformingly present words and deeds of Christ in me that triggered a believing response among the outsiders.
19In such ways I have trailblazed a preaching of the Message of Jesus all the way from Jerusalem far into northwestern Greece.
20This has all been pioneer work, bringing the Message only into those places where Jesus was not yet known and worshiped.
21My text has been, Those who were never told of him— they’ll see him! Those who’ve never heard of him— they’ll get the message!
In our world today many would say that there isn't any who haven't heard of Him (Jesus). I would tend to agree, except I would say that most have had the opportunity to hear about Him. But what about the whole message. That because He came and paid the price we can live a life free from sin, full of power to do the same things He did. We have the ability to change the world and because of us people can be told of Him, Because of us they can hear about Him. It seems that we as people sometimes would rather allow others to do the things God has set up for us. He set a plan in motion for each and everyone of us, and in that plan there is a place for everyone to see, hear, feel, know who He truly is and he is a loving Father that wants to hang out with His Kids all of them not just a few. That is why we can say in those place we go if they people haven't heard or seen God they will because we go in His Power and Might. Its possible for those who believe to walk in the same power that raised Christ from the dead. so as you go today be Jesus with skin on for those around so they may go to others and be Jesus with skin on. we can do it if only we believe. Be a blessing today. Sir Gregory
Romans 15:17-21(TMSG)
17Looking back over what has been accomplished and what I have observed, I must say I am most pleased—in the context of Jesus, I’d even say proud, but only in that context.
18I have no interest in giving you a chatty account of my adventures, only the wondrously powerful and transformingly present words and deeds of Christ in me that triggered a believing response among the outsiders.
19In such ways I have trailblazed a preaching of the Message of Jesus all the way from Jerusalem far into northwestern Greece.
20This has all been pioneer work, bringing the Message only into those places where Jesus was not yet known and worshiped.
21My text has been, Those who were never told of him— they’ll see him! Those who’ve never heard of him— they’ll get the message!
In our world today many would say that there isn't any who haven't heard of Him (Jesus). I would tend to agree, except I would say that most have had the opportunity to hear about Him. But what about the whole message. That because He came and paid the price we can live a life free from sin, full of power to do the same things He did. We have the ability to change the world and because of us people can be told of Him, Because of us they can hear about Him. It seems that we as people sometimes would rather allow others to do the things God has set up for us. He set a plan in motion for each and everyone of us, and in that plan there is a place for everyone to see, hear, feel, know who He truly is and he is a loving Father that wants to hang out with His Kids all of them not just a few. That is why we can say in those place we go if they people haven't heard or seen God they will because we go in His Power and Might. Its possible for those who believe to walk in the same power that raised Christ from the dead. so as you go today be Jesus with skin on for those around so they may go to others and be Jesus with skin on. we can do it if only we believe. Be a blessing today. Sir Gregory
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Imagine"
1 Corinthians 2:9-10(TMSG)
9That’s why we have this Scripture text: No one’s ever seen or heard anything like this, Never so much as imagined anything quite like it— What God has arranged for those who love him.
10But you’ve seen and heard it because God by his Spirit has brought it all out into the open before you. The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along.
Can You remember when you first heard that God Loved you, I Mean really heard it? I sure can i was a cold November day 24 years ago. I was at the bottom of my life. I had been having a dream that my friend & boss had a message for me. Thought it was strange but decided I was tired of it and went to him and in probably a rough manner said to him "you have a message for me and I want it" what happened next i would have never imagined. he said yeah but let me get alone with God and I'll get back to you. I thought this guy is crazy go talk to God. I believed there was a God and he had a son Jesus. Just didn't think or know He would or wanted to talk to us. He came back later and we went for a ride in his truck, he began to read from a piece of paper some scriptures he felt God told him were for me. When he got to the second scripture on the page something again happened that ii never imagined would happen when I got up that day. Jesus sat down in the truck between us and for the next hour or so loved on me. I;m not sure if my friend was aware of this because nothing else around me matter any longer. I got out of that truck a brand new creation that had never been before. No longer beaten down, no longer a drug addict or alcoholic. I was brand new and ever since then been helping others to come to a knowledge if we believe and confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior He will forgive us and help us begin the plan he had imagined for us from the beginning of time. Today help someone to else along this journey of a life they would never imagine would be possible. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
1 Corinthians 2:9-10(TMSG)
9That’s why we have this Scripture text: No one’s ever seen or heard anything like this, Never so much as imagined anything quite like it— What God has arranged for those who love him.
10But you’ve seen and heard it because God by his Spirit has brought it all out into the open before you. The Spirit, not content to flit around on the surface, dives into the depths of God, and brings out what God planned all along.
Can You remember when you first heard that God Loved you, I Mean really heard it? I sure can i was a cold November day 24 years ago. I was at the bottom of my life. I had been having a dream that my friend & boss had a message for me. Thought it was strange but decided I was tired of it and went to him and in probably a rough manner said to him "you have a message for me and I want it" what happened next i would have never imagined. he said yeah but let me get alone with God and I'll get back to you. I thought this guy is crazy go talk to God. I believed there was a God and he had a son Jesus. Just didn't think or know He would or wanted to talk to us. He came back later and we went for a ride in his truck, he began to read from a piece of paper some scriptures he felt God told him were for me. When he got to the second scripture on the page something again happened that ii never imagined would happen when I got up that day. Jesus sat down in the truck between us and for the next hour or so loved on me. I;m not sure if my friend was aware of this because nothing else around me matter any longer. I got out of that truck a brand new creation that had never been before. No longer beaten down, no longer a drug addict or alcoholic. I was brand new and ever since then been helping others to come to a knowledge if we believe and confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior He will forgive us and help us begin the plan he had imagined for us from the beginning of time. Today help someone to else along this journey of a life they would never imagine would be possible. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Smile"
Psalms 31:16(TMSG)
16Warm me, your servant, with a smile; save me because you love me.
Psalms 31:16(NKJV)
16 Make Your face shine upon Your servant; Save me for Your mercies’ sake.
When someone smiles at you what happens? You smile back of course, have you thought of the other emotions that go with a smile before? Sometimes the lack of smiles in our lives really effect us. Like did your dad or mom smile upon you, your grandparents, teachers, boss the list can go on and on. Without smiles we begin to think something is wrong with us. I like the way the message puts the verse "warm me with a smile" As a new grandparent it doesn't get much better than when you walk into a room and your grandchildren light up with that warm smile. The same thing happens to Daddy God when we walk in to His presence He lights up with a grand smile. He will never deny you of that smile. In fact He loves you so much he scribed you in the palm of His hand. I can just see it every time He looks at His hands he sees your name and a Great big smile comes upon His face. As you go through your day today think of those around you that might not been getting those smiles from those in their life. That don't realize they are the apple of Father God's eye. Help them with a smile and help them to come to the knowledge that they do have a heavenly Father that loves them and has a great big smile for them. Be a blessing Today, Sir Gregory
Psalms 31:16(TMSG)

Psalms 31:16(NKJV)
16 Make Your face shine upon Your servant; Save me for Your mercies’ sake.
When someone smiles at you what happens? You smile back of course, have you thought of the other emotions that go with a smile before? Sometimes the lack of smiles in our lives really effect us. Like did your dad or mom smile upon you, your grandparents, teachers, boss the list can go on and on. Without smiles we begin to think something is wrong with us. I like the way the message puts the verse "warm me with a smile" As a new grandparent it doesn't get much better than when you walk into a room and your grandchildren light up with that warm smile. The same thing happens to Daddy God when we walk in to His presence He lights up with a grand smile. He will never deny you of that smile. In fact He loves you so much he scribed you in the palm of His hand. I can just see it every time He looks at His hands he sees your name and a Great big smile comes upon His face. As you go through your day today think of those around you that might not been getting those smiles from those in their life. That don't realize they are the apple of Father God's eye. Help them with a smile and help them to come to the knowledge that they do have a heavenly Father that loves them and has a great big smile for them. Be a blessing Today, Sir Gregory
Monday, November 14, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Face"
Numbers 6:24-26(NKJV)
24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’
God not only wants to bless you you, He wants His reflection to be on you. Now that should be our goal for everyone we come in contact with. God's countenance to be on us and to get on others. God spoke this to Moses and told him to speak it to Aaron and his sons so they could speak it to the people and put His name (God's) upon the people. He really wants us to look Him in the face. How many times do we hang our heads low when we think we are in trouble or don't want to answer a question? How many times do we tell our kids look at me? Do we tell others look at me to speak a blessing over them? We should be doing this daily, several times a day we should be speaking blessings over everyone we meet on our journey's through the day. Instead of cursing them, alot of the times we don't even realize what we are saying to people mostly because we don't get to know people, to understand them. Lets take time to learn about those God has brought into our lives and begin fresh this week by speaking life over those around you, speak blessing to them face to face. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Numbers 6:24-26(NKJV)
24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”’
God not only wants to bless you you, He wants His reflection to be on you. Now that should be our goal for everyone we come in contact with. God's countenance to be on us and to get on others. God spoke this to Moses and told him to speak it to Aaron and his sons so they could speak it to the people and put His name (God's) upon the people. He really wants us to look Him in the face. How many times do we hang our heads low when we think we are in trouble or don't want to answer a question? How many times do we tell our kids look at me? Do we tell others look at me to speak a blessing over them? We should be doing this daily, several times a day we should be speaking blessings over everyone we meet on our journey's through the day. Instead of cursing them, alot of the times we don't even realize what we are saying to people mostly because we don't get to know people, to understand them. Lets take time to learn about those God has brought into our lives and begin fresh this week by speaking life over those around you, speak blessing to them face to face. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Delights"
Psalms 18:19(NLT)
19 He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me.
Even in our most troubled times, God will bring us to a safe place, just because he delights in us. He made us to to spend time with Him. Take time even in the good times to allow Him to delight in you. As you do that you can be a delight to others, and bring them to a place were they can understand that that God truly does delight in them. In our troubled every day live we need to know how special and priceless we are. Today take some time and really soak in the presence of God and allow him to be your delight. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Psalms 18:19(NLT)
19 He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me.
Even in our most troubled times, God will bring us to a safe place, just because he delights in us. He made us to to spend time with Him. Take time even in the good times to allow Him to delight in you. As you do that you can be a delight to others, and bring them to a place were they can understand that that God truly does delight in them. In our troubled every day live we need to know how special and priceless we are. Today take some time and really soak in the presence of God and allow him to be your delight. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Friday, November 11, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Voice"
Proverbs 3:6(TMSG)
6Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Do we listen for God's voice in our everyday things? Who's voice are we listening to or what voice's? Here in proverbs it says if we listen for God's voice he will keep us on the right track of life. In the Living Bible it says "In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success" He will even crown our efforts, wow even in our attempts to please God we can receive His blessings. As we go through our daily routines we need to listen and look for God's activity and His voice, so we may adjust our way and join Him in what He is doing. Even our example Jesus said He could do nothing unless He sees God doing it. We should make this a mandate to only do what God is doing. Once we begin to do what He is doing He will direct your steps. Allow His Voice to guide you today as your being a blessing, Sir Gregory
Proverbs 3:6(TMSG)
6Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Do we listen for God's voice in our everyday things? Who's voice are we listening to or what voice's? Here in proverbs it says if we listen for God's voice he will keep us on the right track of life. In the Living Bible it says "In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success" He will even crown our efforts, wow even in our attempts to please God we can receive His blessings. As we go through our daily routines we need to listen and look for God's activity and His voice, so we may adjust our way and join Him in what He is doing. Even our example Jesus said He could do nothing unless He sees God doing it. We should make this a mandate to only do what God is doing. Once we begin to do what He is doing He will direct your steps. Allow His Voice to guide you today as your being a blessing, Sir Gregory
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Self"
Colossians 3:10(NASB)
10and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him
We have been made a new self brand new and the old self needs to stay buried and gone. Some of the other translations refer to this as putting on a new wardrobe or new set of shoes but it is way more than that. I like the analogy of a new fashion and the old is of no longer use or obsolete, but it applies that it can be removed and something else put on. Once we put on Christ it is for keeps He said He would never leave us or forsake us. Do we forsake Him, I pray not. Christ is not just a fashion statement that is new today and something we change next season. He is forever, over the years I have seen several trends or moves. waves of God, even in history we see were people have made a camp on a teaching around a move of God. Some have made denominations out of them. God is not something we do He is something we are. So have you really counted the cost of becoming new or have you put Christ on as a new pair of shoes or a new dress. Allow His Spirit full control today and be made a new self permanent maker not just a highlighter. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Colossians 3:10(NASB)
10and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him
We have been made a new self brand new and the old self needs to stay buried and gone. Some of the other translations refer to this as putting on a new wardrobe or new set of shoes but it is way more than that. I like the analogy of a new fashion and the old is of no longer use or obsolete, but it applies that it can be removed and something else put on. Once we put on Christ it is for keeps He said He would never leave us or forsake us. Do we forsake Him, I pray not. Christ is not just a fashion statement that is new today and something we change next season. He is forever, over the years I have seen several trends or moves. waves of God, even in history we see were people have made a camp on a teaching around a move of God. Some have made denominations out of them. God is not something we do He is something we are. So have you really counted the cost of becoming new or have you put Christ on as a new pair of shoes or a new dress. Allow His Spirit full control today and be made a new self permanent maker not just a highlighter. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Foreign"
Psalms 81:9(NKJV)
9 There shall be no foreign god among you; Nor shall you worship any foreign god.
What come to mind when we think of a foreign god? Something far off in another country or another religion, something we are not familiar with. How many of us think that we worship those kind of things? Interesting enough it seems to be a topic that the Bible speaks about quite a lot. Before Jacob could go build an altar in Bethel (Gen.35) it says that God told him to go to Bethel and live and make an altar. the first thing Jacob did was to tell his people to get rid of the foreign gods and purify themselves. Later in Exodus 20, God gives Moses the ten commandments what the first one? to have no other gods before Him. In Psalms 81:9 it says not to have them among you! I believe we should be checking our live to see if we have picked up any gods along our journey. Most of the story we read about in the Bible are relating to objects or an items that represents a god. can we have spiritual gods in our lives and not really even know or understand they are there? I believe so we should be looking in the mirror of Gods word routinely and checking is there things that are foreign to Gods way for us. Do we have things that are more important than Daddy God? some time we get a little lazy and allow life to creep in and hold us back. So today take an inventory of your life if there is items or mind sets or false beliefs. Whatever it may be that is holding you back from approaching God in a more interment way get rid of of them. Lets change the world together, be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Psalms 81:9(NKJV)
9 There shall be no foreign god among you; Nor shall you worship any foreign god.
What come to mind when we think of a foreign god? Something far off in another country or another religion, something we are not familiar with. How many of us think that we worship those kind of things? Interesting enough it seems to be a topic that the Bible speaks about quite a lot. Before Jacob could go build an altar in Bethel (Gen.35) it says that God told him to go to Bethel and live and make an altar. the first thing Jacob did was to tell his people to get rid of the foreign gods and purify themselves. Later in Exodus 20, God gives Moses the ten commandments what the first one? to have no other gods before Him. In Psalms 81:9 it says not to have them among you! I believe we should be checking our live to see if we have picked up any gods along our journey. Most of the story we read about in the Bible are relating to objects or an items that represents a god. can we have spiritual gods in our lives and not really even know or understand they are there? I believe so we should be looking in the mirror of Gods word routinely and checking is there things that are foreign to Gods way for us. Do we have things that are more important than Daddy God? some time we get a little lazy and allow life to creep in and hold us back. So today take an inventory of your life if there is items or mind sets or false beliefs. Whatever it may be that is holding you back from approaching God in a more interment way get rid of of them. Lets change the world together, be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Book"
2 Kings 22:11(TMSG)
11When the king heard what was written in the book, God’s Revelation, he ripped his robes in dismay.
Does the Bible have the same reaction from you? do you want to tear your clothes? The custom of the times was when in remorse or being upset or just plain under conviction of doing wrong people would rip their clothes and a lot of time put ashes on their heads. Seems kind of silly to us. When we read God's Book does it have any effect on us? As believers it should bring great joy, when we find buried treasures or does it bring sorrow? By ripping their clothing it was an outward sign of what was going on inside of them. Today we have the ability to go straight to the Father when we find out something is amiss in our lives. The Bible has the ability to bring up all kinds of emotions in us. And it should that's why we call it the Living Bible. We should take the time and read it more often than not. Allowing it to point out area's that need help, and allow it to be a guide for our path. To celebrate the victories it brings into our lives. The teachings to live a better way. How to have a better life while we are in this realm awaiting our promotion to be with the Father and Jesus in that place He went to prepare for us. Take some time today and ponder God's word if it brings conviction deal with it and celebrate the victory it brings. Let it bring great joy to your souls. Then go and be a blessing to others. Sir Gregory
I read thes quotes and thought they fit with with my thoughts
Scripture as wine cellar
2 Kings 22:11(TMSG)
11When the king heard what was written in the book, God’s Revelation, he ripped his robes in dismay.
Does the Bible have the same reaction from you? do you want to tear your clothes? The custom of the times was when in remorse or being upset or just plain under conviction of doing wrong people would rip their clothes and a lot of time put ashes on their heads. Seems kind of silly to us. When we read God's Book does it have any effect on us? As believers it should bring great joy, when we find buried treasures or does it bring sorrow? By ripping their clothing it was an outward sign of what was going on inside of them. Today we have the ability to go straight to the Father when we find out something is amiss in our lives. The Bible has the ability to bring up all kinds of emotions in us. And it should that's why we call it the Living Bible. We should take the time and read it more often than not. Allowing it to point out area's that need help, and allow it to be a guide for our path. To celebrate the victories it brings into our lives. The teachings to live a better way. How to have a better life while we are in this realm awaiting our promotion to be with the Father and Jesus in that place He went to prepare for us. Take some time today and ponder God's word if it brings conviction deal with it and celebrate the victory it brings. Let it bring great joy to your souls. Then go and be a blessing to others. Sir Gregory
I read thes quotes and thought they fit with with my thoughts
Scripture as wine cellar
"Scripture is the Wine cellar of the Holy Spirit." Bernard of Clairvaux
He knows the right vintage. He knows the mood. He knows the mealwe are having. Picture it. TheSpirit walks down creaky steps to pull just the right bottle for our soul today.
"Everyone has a wine cellar but they rarely drink from it." Meister Eckhart
What is the lure of Bible reading and meditation? It's priceless, vintage Spirit Wine which refreshes and rejuvenates our Soul. How is your soul's health? Are you longing for the wine cellar? Sit back and drink from the hand of God.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Life"
Mark 8:35(NKJV)
35For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
Jesus is telling us to give up our lives for Him and the Gospels sake. This seems really contrary to what most of us have been taught all our lives. Were told to we can do it all by ourselves, to pull up our boot straps, to suck it up. So much of our lives we are told to things on our own but then Jesus comes unto the scene and tells things totally different than what others have told us. We do have to choose which way to go. I read this story on the Internet not sure who first wrote it . I took it from a Blog by Michael Hyatt . I believe it sums it up our live is how we choose them to be.
Mark 8:35(NKJV)
35For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
Jesus is telling us to give up our lives for Him and the Gospels sake. This seems really contrary to what most of us have been taught all our lives. Were told to we can do it all by ourselves, to pull up our boot straps, to suck it up. So much of our lives we are told to things on our own but then Jesus comes unto the scene and tells things totally different than what others have told us. We do have to choose which way to go. I read this story on the Internet not sure who first wrote it . I took it from a Blog by Michael Hyatt . I believe it sums it up our live is how we choose them to be.
High in the Himalayan mountains lived a wise old man.
Periodically, he ventured down into the local village to entertain the villagers with his special knowledge and talents. One of his skills was to psychically tell the villagers the contents in their pockets, boxes, or minds.A few young boys from the village decided to play a joke on the wise old man and discredit his special abilities. One boy came up with the idea to capture a bird and hide it in his hands. He knew of course, the wise old man would know the object in his hands was a bird. The boy devised a plan. Knowing the wise old man would correctly state the object in his hands was a bird, the boy would ask the old man if the bird was dead or alive. If the wise man said the bird was alive, the boy would crush the bird in his hands, so that when he opened his hands the bird would be dead. But, If the wise man said the bird was dead, the boy would open his hands and let the bird fly free. So not matter what the old man said, the boy would prove the old man a fraud. The following week, the wise old man came down from the mountain into the village. The boy quickly caught a bird and cupping it out of sight in his hands, walked up to the wise old man and asked, “Old man, old man, what is it that I have in my hands?” The wise old man said, “You have a bird, my son.” And he was right. The boy then asked, “Old man, old man, tell me: Is the bird alive or is it dead?” The wise old man looked at the boy, thought for a moment and said, “The bird is as you choose it to be.”
You have the ability to choose which path to take, I would recommend the path with Christ. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory
Friday, November 4, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Serving"
1 Corinthians 12:7(CEV)
7The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others.
1 Corinthians 12:4-7(TMSG)
4God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit.
5God’s various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit.
6God’s various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all.
7Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people!
It takes all of us to get the job done. We hear alot today about coaching, teams or teamwork. Some think its a new term, but we used to call the same things mentoring or disciplining. they are all the same thing we just use different words to describe actions. Whether we call it coaching or disciplining its the same and we all do in some fashion or another. The Spirit of God gives out the ability to get things done. All through chapter 12 it talks about gifts how to use etc.. the theme is that we all have a gift or a part to do. Whether you are the lead or the follower if we are doing our part as unto God its then same. If I'm speaking or parking cars, it's just as important to getting the job done. We sometimes put more value on a certain task but the bottom line is if nobody can park and get into the function then the speaker is of no use.Remember we all are part of the whole team the baseball team is no good without a pitcher likewise is the football with the quarterback. It takes us all!!! So today whether your being served or serving others do it as unto God. he is the one who gave you the ability in the first place. be a blessing< Sir Gregory
1 Corinthians 12:7(CEV)
7The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving others.
1 Corinthians 12:4-7(TMSG)
4God’s various gifts are handed out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit.
5God’s various ministries are carried out everywhere; but they all originate in God’s Spirit.
6God’s various expressions of power are in action everywhere; but God himself is behind it all.
7Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people!
It takes all of us to get the job done. We hear alot today about coaching, teams or teamwork. Some think its a new term, but we used to call the same things mentoring or disciplining. they are all the same thing we just use different words to describe actions. Whether we call it coaching or disciplining its the same and we all do in some fashion or another. The Spirit of God gives out the ability to get things done. All through chapter 12 it talks about gifts how to use etc.. the theme is that we all have a gift or a part to do. Whether you are the lead or the follower if we are doing our part as unto God its then same. If I'm speaking or parking cars, it's just as important to getting the job done. We sometimes put more value on a certain task but the bottom line is if nobody can park and get into the function then the speaker is of no use.Remember we all are part of the whole team the baseball team is no good without a pitcher likewise is the football with the quarterback. It takes us all!!! So today whether your being served or serving others do it as unto God. he is the one who gave you the ability in the first place. be a blessing< Sir Gregory
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Daily Vitamin - "Miracles"
Acts 19:11-12(NASB)
11God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul,
12so that handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out.
Today a lot of people are looking for miracles. The problem is they are looking in all the wrong places. They look to objects, false God's, even to special people putting them in a place God never intended for them to be (people make other people equal or above God). God decided in the beginning to use mankind to work through, but we get it wrong a lot of the times we get puffed up thinking we are something special (we are) but we think it's us doing it or we go the other route and think God couldn't use us. In Acts 10:38 it says that God anointed Him (Jesus) with the Holy Spirit and power. who anointed Him God did, who does the miracles God does. He just chooses to use us to work through we must always remember it's Him doing the miracle we get the blessing to accompany Him in getting it done. We must always remember He is the way maker not us. God gave all of us the ability through His Son Jesus to perform miracles. The question is have you trusted Him with your life yet? Look to God for the miracle today not some stone or statue, then let Him work through you to be a blessing to others, Sir Gregory
Acts 19:11-12(NASB)
11God was performing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul,
12so that handkerchiefs or aprons were even carried from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out.
Today a lot of people are looking for miracles. The problem is they are looking in all the wrong places. They look to objects, false God's, even to special people putting them in a place God never intended for them to be (people make other people equal or above God). God decided in the beginning to use mankind to work through, but we get it wrong a lot of the times we get puffed up thinking we are something special (we are) but we think it's us doing it or we go the other route and think God couldn't use us. In Acts 10:38 it says that God anointed Him (Jesus) with the Holy Spirit and power. who anointed Him God did, who does the miracles God does. He just chooses to use us to work through we must always remember it's Him doing the miracle we get the blessing to accompany Him in getting it done. We must always remember He is the way maker not us. God gave all of us the ability through His Son Jesus to perform miracles. The question is have you trusted Him with your life yet? Look to God for the miracle today not some stone or statue, then let Him work through you to be a blessing to others, Sir Gregory
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Example"
Philippians 3:17(NKJV)
17Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern.
Can we tell others to follow our example? We think Paul is making a pretty bold statement here, but is he? We do have people who follow what we do whether we want them to or not. My belief is that we make excuses for our own behaviors. Then when others are leading with an great example we want to nit-pick their lives or make comments well I'm only human. Christ came to make His home in us, that gives us all the power we need to lead a grand life. We need to believe it and be bold in our walk if you can't say follow me today make it a goal. We really can do all things because Christ lives in us. Lets start taking taking responsibility for our actions. the world is waiting on us to show them the love of Christ, what it means to really do what we say we believe . I understand its not always easy doing whats right and sometimes we get hurt by doing the right thing but in the end we do win. I like the way the Message Bible reads in these verses.
Philippians 3:17-21(TMSG)
17Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal.
18There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. I’ve warned you of them many times; sadly, I’m having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ’s Cross.
19But easy street is a dead-end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.
20But there’s far more to life for us. We’re citizens of high heaven! We’re waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ,
21who will transform our earthy bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He’ll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him.
Today make the choice to be an Example that others can and want to follow. You can do it! Together we can change the world, its happen before and it will happen again. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Philippians 3:17(NKJV)
17Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have us for a pattern.
Can we tell others to follow our example? We think Paul is making a pretty bold statement here, but is he? We do have people who follow what we do whether we want them to or not. My belief is that we make excuses for our own behaviors. Then when others are leading with an great example we want to nit-pick their lives or make comments well I'm only human. Christ came to make His home in us, that gives us all the power we need to lead a grand life. We need to believe it and be bold in our walk if you can't say follow me today make it a goal. We really can do all things because Christ lives in us. Lets start taking taking responsibility for our actions. the world is waiting on us to show them the love of Christ, what it means to really do what we say we believe . I understand its not always easy doing whats right and sometimes we get hurt by doing the right thing but in the end we do win. I like the way the Message Bible reads in these verses.
Philippians 3:17-21(TMSG)
17Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal.
18There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. I’ve warned you of them many times; sadly, I’m having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ’s Cross.
19But easy street is a dead-end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.
20But there’s far more to life for us. We’re citizens of high heaven! We’re waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ,
21who will transform our earthy bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He’ll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him.
Today make the choice to be an Example that others can and want to follow. You can do it! Together we can change the world, its happen before and it will happen again. Be a blessing, Sir Gregory
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Daily Vitamin -"Masterpiece"
Ephesians 2:10(NLT)
10For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
How many times do you look at a beautiful sunset or sunrise and thank God for it, or look at flowers or a landscape? Now how do you look at other people? We were all made in God's image, His masterpiece, workmanship! He does have a plan for all of us, and there is room for all of us in His plan. I believe there are two kinds of people those who love God and those who are about too! A artist looks at a blank canvas or a clump of clay, stone whatever it may be and see's something and creates it. God saw something in nothing and created us. That is really awesome! It takes time to create some things take longer than other things. So lets look at others like they are in the process maybe even yourself and give some grace to them. Remember there was a time when God began a work in you and He's not finished yet. We really are a work in process! Be a blessing Today, Sir Gregory
Ephesians 2:10(NLT)
10For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
How many times do you look at a beautiful sunset or sunrise and thank God for it, or look at flowers or a landscape? Now how do you look at other people? We were all made in God's image, His masterpiece, workmanship! He does have a plan for all of us, and there is room for all of us in His plan. I believe there are two kinds of people those who love God and those who are about too! A artist looks at a blank canvas or a clump of clay, stone whatever it may be and see's something and creates it. God saw something in nothing and created us. That is really awesome! It takes time to create some things take longer than other things. So lets look at others like they are in the process maybe even yourself and give some grace to them. Remember there was a time when God began a work in you and He's not finished yet. We really are a work in process! Be a blessing Today, Sir Gregory
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