Psalms 31:16(TMSG)

Psalms 31:16(NKJV)
16 Make Your face shine upon Your servant; Save me for Your mercies’ sake.
When someone smiles at you what happens? You smile back of course, have you thought of the other emotions that go with a smile before? Sometimes the lack of smiles in our lives really effect us. Like did your dad or mom smile upon you, your grandparents, teachers, boss the list can go on and on. Without smiles we begin to think something is wrong with us. I like the way the message puts the verse "warm me with a smile" As a new grandparent it doesn't get much better than when you walk into a room and your grandchildren light up with that warm smile. The same thing happens to Daddy God when we walk in to His presence He lights up with a grand smile. He will never deny you of that smile. In fact He loves you so much he scribed you in the palm of His hand. I can just see it every time He looks at His hands he sees your name and a Great big smile comes upon His face. As you go through your day today think of those around you that might not been getting those smiles from those in their life. That don't realize they are the apple of Father God's eye. Help them with a smile and help them to come to the knowledge that they do have a heavenly Father that loves them and has a great big smile for them. Be a blessing Today, Sir Gregory
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