Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Vitamin -"Self"


Colossians 3:10(NASB)
10and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him 

We have been made a new self brand new and the old self needs to stay buried and gone. Some of the other translations refer to this as putting on a new wardrobe or new set of shoes but it is way more than that. I like the analogy of a new fashion and the old is of no longer use or obsolete, but it applies that it can be removed and something else put on. Once we put on Christ it is for keeps He said He would never leave us or forsake us. Do we forsake Him, I pray not. Christ is not just a fashion statement that is new today and something we change next season. He is forever, over the years I have seen several trends or moves. waves of God, even in history we see were people have made a camp on a teaching around a move of God. Some have made denominations out of them. God is not something we do He is something we are. So have you really counted the cost of becoming new or have you put Christ on as a new pair of shoes or a new dress. Allow His Spirit full control today and be made a new self  permanent maker not just a highlighter. Be a blessing today, Sir Gregory  

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