2 Kings 22:11(TMSG)
11When the king heard what was written in the book, God’s Revelation, he ripped his robes in dismay.
Does the Bible have the same reaction from you? do you want to tear your clothes? The custom of the times was when in remorse or being upset or just plain under conviction of doing wrong people would rip their clothes and a lot of time put ashes on their heads. Seems kind of silly to us. When we read God's Book does it have any effect on us? As believers it should bring great joy, when we find buried treasures or does it bring sorrow? By ripping their clothing it was an outward sign of what was going on inside of them. Today we have the ability to go straight to the Father when we find out something is amiss in our lives. The Bible has the ability to bring up all kinds of emotions in us. And it should that's why we call it the Living Bible. We should take the time and read it more often than not. Allowing it to point out area's that need help, and allow it to be a guide for our path. To celebrate the victories it brings into our lives. The teachings to live a better way. How to have a better life while we are in this realm awaiting our promotion to be with the Father and Jesus in that place He went to prepare for us. Take some time today and ponder God's word if it brings conviction deal with it and celebrate the victory it brings. Let it bring great joy to your souls. Then go and be a blessing to others. Sir Gregory
I read thes quotes and thought they fit with with my thoughts
Scripture as wine cellar
"Scripture is the Wine cellar of the Holy Spirit." Bernard of Clairvaux
He knows the right vintage. He knows the mood. He knows the mealwe are having. Picture it. TheSpirit walks down creaky steps to pull just the right bottle for our soul today.
"Everyone has a wine cellar but they rarely drink from it." Meister Eckhart
What is the lure of Bible reading and meditation? It's priceless, vintage Spirit Wine which refreshes and rejuvenates our Soul. How is your soul's health? Are you longing for the wine cellar? Sit back and drink from the hand of God.
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