Thursday, September 29, 2011

Daily Vitamin - "Meet"


Psalms 43:3-4(TMSG)
3Give me your lantern and compass, give me a map, So I can find my way to the sacred mountain, to the place of your presence,
4To enter the place of worship, meet my exuberant God, Sing my thanks with a harp, magnificent God, my God.

In a world of GPS, mapquest, google, guidestar. We still need to find the place were we are to meet with God. we say were going to this meeting or that meeting. We go to church sunday's sometimes wednesday but do we meet up with God there. How many times do we plan on meeting God? We make plans to meet friends, family but do we take time to meet God. In Isaiah 1:18 God say's come let us reason together lets talk it over, in other words come meet with me. If you read on in that verse your sins were red as crisom but they will be white as snow. Then in verse 19 He says if you are willng and obeinent you will eat the best of the land (one of my favorite verse's) the whole point is you need to meet with God. Sometimes we have more meetings about lots of things and get nothing done, if we would have a meeting with God then He would give us the strategies  for all our other meetings. Take some time to meet with the CEO of your soul on a regular basis not just when things are tough or going bad. We tend to run to God when are lives are full of chaos or pain. I believe if we would take a Daily Vitamin of the Gospel with our Daddy God. We would avoid a lot headache's, heartaches, sickness and all the stuff that comes at us on a daily basis. Ink Time on your calendar for a coprparte meeting with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, be a blessing today, Sir Gregory

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