Friday, September 30, 2011

Daily Vitamin -"Rock"


Psalms 62:6-7(TMSG)
6He’s solid rock under my feet, breathing room for my soul, An impregnable castle: I’m set for life.
7My help and glory are in God —granite-strength and safe-harbor-God—

When we think of rock what's the first thing that comes to mind? Probably not God, but all through the scriptures He is referred to as our rock. What is rock? When you look it up the definition is minerals. We use the word to describe all kinds of things, music, people, even use it as a slang word for something that is cool, or for a feeling. Little boys like to throw rocks. We wear rocks of all kinds. Some people worship rocks, others  wash clothes on rocks. Our planet is made up of a lot of rock. We use rocks to build roads, houses, we use rocks every day.God wrote the commandments on stone(rock), He hid Moses & Isaiah in the rocks so that He could pass by. In the gospels Jesus spoke about the wise man building on the rock. When I think of rock, it's something of strength, hard, protection, solid. Then when I realize that God is all those things. He is my strength, my protection, my hiding place, my foundation so many ways God is My Rock in Him I shall trust. How many ways can you think of as God as your rock? Scripture even says it's better that we fall on the rock instead of it falling on us! I could give all kinds of examples about the word rock but i believe ii have given you enough to go chew on. Take some time today spend it with the Rock of your salvation Jesus. Then Go! and be a blessing to others, Sir Gregory      

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